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Westfield Youth Sports

Registration Listing

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General Information


Travel teams generally are looking for a higher level of competition than the WYSI In-House program. They will be registered teams with state level organizations and play mostly local tournaments within 1-2 hours. Registration classification will be determined by the head coach / manager and usually falls between ‘C’ and ‘B’ level.

10U, 12U, 14U, 16U (Based on player age on December 31st of the current year during tryouts)

Tryouts are held in late summer for the upcoming Fall and Spring seasons.  For the 2024 - 2025 team the tryouts will be held on:

10U/12U - July 10 CHANGED TO WMS ENTER DOORS CLOSEST TO BUS PARKING LOT 5:30pm Check In; 6:00pm - 7:30pm Tryouts

14U - July 15 WHS Softball Fields 5:30pm Check In; 6:00pm - 7:30pm Tryouts

16U - July 25 WHS Softball Fields 6:30pm Check In; 7:00pm - 9:00pm Tryouts


The season runs from September 1 – July 31.

Practices: Practice will begin in late August / early September and will be held up to 2 times per week. A winter break usually begins in November through late January. In the winter, once per week conditioning starts and then 2 times per week when it transitions back outside. 

# Games: 15-20 (Fall);  45-60 (Spring/Summer)

Travel distance: Most tournaments are local and within 1-2 hours away. Each team may schedule 1-2 overnight or long distance tournaments.

General commitment: Each player is expected to be fully committed in April – July. We highly encourage multi-sport athletes at all levels and travel is no different however a commitment to the team during the season is strongly encouraged. Expectations for those playing school ball at the older levels are set by each coach but the team may play weekend tournaments during school ball. 

Cost varies depending on fundraising and sponsorship efforts, uniform costs and number of tournaments entered but generally speaking varies from $500 - $600. Our goal is to keep costs as affordable as possible. Costs are usually broken up into spring and fall payments to make it easier as well.

Unfortunately there are no refunds once dues have been paid. These fees go to the cover the cost of equipment, uniforms and tournament dues which are generally non-refundable. 




Geoff Winthrop  


2024-25 Travel Team Tryout Information


10U - July 10  CHANGED WMS enter doors closest to bus parking lot and gym (5:30pm Check In; 6:00pm - 7:30pm Tryouts)

14U - July 15  WHS Softball Fields (5:30pm Check In; 6:00pm - 7:30pm Tryouts)

16U - July 25 WHS Softball Fields (6:30pm Check In; 7:00pm - 9:00pm Tryouts)


All players must register to attend tryouts.  Click on the Registration link at the top of the page or log-in to your WYSI account and click on the "Register" link.  There is no fee to register.  Registrations must be submitted no later than 48 hours before the tryout date.

Make-up Evaluation:
Please contact the travel commissioner  Brian Walters with any questions.

Additional Information:

What should the softball player bring? face mask, glove, bat, helmet, water


Sponsorship Forms


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