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Westfield Youth Sports


All Westfield Youth Sports athletes, coaches, parents, guardians and spectators agree to the Code of Conduct upon registration or attending a Westfield Youth Sports event.  Westfield Youth Sports strives to provide all eligible children an equal opportunity to participate in instructional, recreational, and competitive sports regardless of race, color, creed, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. The organization leagues will not tolerate racism in any form, on or off the field, and expects and encourages all to report any such behavior. 


  1. Treats league officials, coaches, teammates and opponents with respect. 
  2. Treats facilities with respect. Players realize the use of the Westfield Washington facilities, or any other athletic facilities, is a privilege. 
  3. Exercises self-control at all times, setting a positive example for others. 
  4. Accepts the decisions of referees/officials without argument or gesture. 
  5. Wins with humility, loses with grace. Does both with dignity. Never quits. 
  6. Always remembers that it is a privilege to represent the league and community and conducts themselves in a way that brings only credit to the league and community.
  7. Understands the rules of their sport, plays hard but plays within the rules.
  8. Does not use alcohol, tobacco products, vaporizers or illegal substances and demands the same from teammates. 
  9. Makes every effort to attend practices and games, is on time and notifies coaches when games or practices will be missed. 
  10. Does not use profanity, taunt or participate in unsportsmanlike conduct during or between games. 


  1. Treats players, opposing coaches and league officials with respect. 
  2. Treats facilities, wherever located, with respect. Understands that the use of the Westfield Washington facilities is a privilege that can be taken away at any time if the facilities are abused. 
  3. Inspires in the players a love for the game and the desire to compete fairly.
  4. Is the type of person he/she wants the players to be and conducts themselves in a way that brings only credit to the league and community. 
  5. Disciplines those on the team who display unsportsmanlike behavior including but not limited to, taunting, overly aggressive behavior, profanity, or inappropriate comments/behavior. 
  6. Respects the judgment and the interpretation of the rules by the officials and demands the same from his/her players. 
  7. Knows he/she is a teacher and understands that the playing field or court is a classroom. Coaches prioritize good sportsmanship above wins and losses. 
  8. Does not use profanity in the presence of spectators, other coaches or athletes. 
  9. Use of alcohol, tobacco products, vaporizers or illegal substances during Westfield Youth Sports events is strictly prohibited. 
  10. Makes every effort to attend practices and games, is on time and promptly notifies players/parents of any changes in schedule. 
  11. It is the responsibility of every coach to communicate expectations with parents and players prior to each season. 
  12. Supervise his/her team to ensure their behavior is in compliance with their obligations under this Code of Conduct. 
  13. Every coach, and any parent assisting a coach on the field of play must have a current background check on file. 
  14. Any physical contact with an athlete should be limited to relevant instruction, safety, consolation or celebration. 


  1. Treats all athletes, coaches, spectators and league officials with respect. 
  2. Treats facilities, wherever located, with respect. Spectators understand that the use of Westfield Washington facilities is a privilege that can be taken away if the facilities are abused. 
  3. Supervises the parent's other children attending all Westfield Youth Sports activities to insure their safety and good behavior. 
  4. Behaves in a manner that they’d expect from athletes and coaches. 
  5. Supports in the players a love for the game and the desire to compete fairly. 
  6. Supports disciplining those on the team who display unsportsmanlike behavior. 
  7. Respects the judgment and the interpretation of the rules by the officials and defers ALL communication with the officials to coaches. 
  8. Supports the coach as a teacher and understands that the playing field or court is a classroom. 
  9. Does not use profanity in the presence of spectators, coaches or athletes.
  10. Use of alcohol, tobacco products, vaporizers or illegal substances during Westfield Youth Sports events is strictly prohibited. 
  11. Must notify the coach if a player is unable to attend practices and/or games. Must make every effort to have player show up on time for practices and games. 
  12. Supervise his/her son or daughter to ensure their behavior is in compliance with their obligations under this Code of Conduct. 

Code of Conduct Violation Adjudication 
(Reporting, Review, Disciplinary actions) 

The WYSI Board of Directors reserves the right to review the conduct of all coaches, volunteers, commissioners, parents, and players and take the appropriate course of disciplinary action when necessary. Should a Westfield Youth Sports member feel that the conduct or actions of another Westfield Youth Sports member may be deemed inappropriate or violates the Westfield Youth Sports Code of Conduct the following course of action shall be taken by Westfield Youth Sports: 

Individuals wishing to report Code of Conduct violation or provide an additional witness statement should complete the incident report here.

The incident report shall include a description of the incident with any supporting evidence or documentation. The additional evidence may include statements from other individuals who were witnesses to the incident.

Note: Any incident that is deemed to be a possible criminal offense shall immediately be reported to the Westfield Police or the relevant law enforcement agency. 

Upon receiving the incident report the Board of Directors may render a temporary suspension while the incident is under review. 

  1. Within 5 business days of receiving the incident report, the Westfield Youth Sports Board of Directors shall offer the opportunity to the accused to provide a written statement regarding the incident. The accused shall have 5 business days to provide their statement. This written statement will become an addendum to the incident report for historical purposes. 
  2. The Westfield Youth Sports Board of Directors shall review all submitted information and render one of the following decisions: 

Disciplinary Actions 

  • No action is necessary at this time.
  • Written reprimand;
  • Temporary suspension from participation in Westfield Youth Sports activities for up to the remainder of the season; or multiple seasons and/or permanent suspension from participation in Westfield Youth Sports activities.
  • If an individual has previously received any disciplinary action then they may be permanently suspended from all Westfield Youth Sports activities including attending games and practices as a spectator.
  • if the incident involved any element of inappropriate touching, sexual behavior, or violence then #d must be rendered and the police must be notified.

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